
To add a link within your content, highlight the word(s) you want to serve as the text of the link and click on the chain icon (Image 4, Item C). A box will appear where you can add the web address to which you are linking. If you would like the link to open in a new tab upon click, click the gear icon to see the link options and select the checkbox for "Open link in a new tab". Fill in the Title field in this link options area if you'd like a title to appear when users hover over the link (this is not a required field but is best practices). Click the Add Link or blue arrow icon (depending on the screen you're on) and your link will be added to the selected content.

To edit a link, click within the text serving as the link and click on the pen (Edit) icon.

To remove a link, click within the text serving as the link and click on the "x" (remove) icon.

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